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Showing posts from September, 2013

My Journey to the Library

As I am getting to the library to get some work done, just before I start my computer, guess who I see in one of the meeting rooms? My friends Jim and Bonnie doing a presentation. They do not see me, but I am sitting right behind them. Jim is so focused on the work at hand. So, I decide to text him. The text goes like this: Turn around, I am right behind you. There is no reaction. I just think that he is too focused to notice my text. I start working on my computer. About half an hour later, guess who is now behind me? Jim himself. I guess he saw my text. I knew this one was coming: what's up with your blog? He asks So here I am. I don't want to be in trouble with Jim. Thanks a lot for your positive feedback on my last blog. Do not worry. I am doing ok. I think I am even stronger than last week lol. Yesterday I watched the movie "Pursuit of Hapiness" one more time. Oh boy, the guy went through some serious stuff. Do you remember the scene where he was finally

My Journey Back to Writing

It has been such a long time since I posted my last blog that I don't even know where to start. It has been quite a month. First, this gig at the Rogers Centre Stadium where I was speaking to entrepreneurs before Toronto vs Montreal football game, then being contacted by a website host asking me to write stories to his 200,000 readers per month, add to that a few invitations to TV shows in October, plus a potential work with a very respectable institution, it's been quite a month. You might be thinking that I am a Superstar or something, and that things are going so great for me. Oh no. When you least expect it, life throw some punches at you that it is so hard to get up. I am so thankful for what I have, I will never take it for granted, but man!!!! Do you know what is helping me keep my sanity? Something called Youtube. Whoever invented this stuff deserves a Nobel Prize. I have been watching hundreds of videos of Bishop TD Jakes sermons. This guy knows how to speak t