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Showing posts from October, 2014

My Journey to a Change

I haven’t been on this earth long enough to claim that I know a lot, but the little I know has shown me that people do change. Who I am now is not who I used to be. Am I getting better as I age like it is the case for wine? I really don’t know. I remember many years ago as Paul my business partner and I spoke about what we would like to create in the future, he told me that I would be the front man of our company, and he would work behind the scenes. He kept his word for a long time. I can assure you that he made me look good on numerous occasions while he did most of the work. My job was to go out and present; I had a very good deal. That was a few years ago. I guess I did a very good job at presenting our stuff (at least that is what I tell myself). Well guess what happened a little over a year ago? Paul went out and got his coaching certificate and now he is presenting workshops with me and coaching as well. I think I inspired him lol.  He even did an entire pres

My Journey With Richard

You might be wondering who the heck is Richard. He is a gentleman I met a while ago when I was participating in a training program for coaches. For two days, I was part of a class where we learned how to customize our coaching approach when working with new immigrants to Canada. The training was amazing and I am looking forward to the next part where we will be assigned a person to coach for 6 months. During the first day of training, they told us they would bring somebody to share a story about how the coaching program had helped him to find his first job in Canada. Richard was the guy. He was well dressed, he was funny and he was ready to share his story. Richard has been in Canada for only five months now. He was a very successful professional in his native country and also had experience working in many Asian countries. He was very successful before coming to Canada. When he started to share his story it didn't take too long to realize that his first days in Canada we